
当我们共同努力遵循UNE的品牌指导方针时, we ensure that the public enjoys a visually consistent experience every time they encounter the UNE brand. This attention to detail helps build brand awareness and enhances a brand’s perceived value in the mind of the public. 

我们知道,品牌指导方针有时看起来令人困惑,甚至是武断的. 我们创建了这个常见问题解答来回答你的问题. 如果我们遗漏了什么,请不要犹豫,全球网络赌博平台. Experience has shown us that there is always a creative solution to any issue you might encounter in following the guidelines, 我们总是很乐意提供帮助.  

当每个人都遵循品牌准则时,我们创造了一个更强大的UNE, 从长远来看, 使全球网络赌博平台社区的每一个成员受益.



No. 的 品牌识别指引(PDF) ,以确保所有大学通讯的一致性. 遵循品牌识别手册中的说明, 您将使您的项目与新能源大学的身份保持一致,并帮助推广新能源大学.


No. 新能源网的标志包括三个组成部分:新能源网的方块, “全球网络赌博平台,和口号“创新,让地球更健康”.” Those three elements are integrated and cannot be separated, except in the case of embroidery.




Both vertical and horizontal versions of the UNE logo as well as the UNE icon are available for download from our 数字资产管理系统. 所有版本都有CMYK(用于打印),RGB(用于网页),黑色和白色. 如果你需要一些具体的东西,没有提供, 请发邮件给通信和营销办公室的Marine Miller,地址是 mmiller17@promisesurfing.net.


No. 的 University seal is reserved for the most formal expressions of the University’s identity and as a formal insignia on documents of institutional and legal importance, 比如文凭, 成绩单, 证书, 毕业典礼程序, 和标志. Usage of the seal is prohibited without express permission from the President’s Office and/or 通讯办公室 and Marketing.


的 brand architecture unifies the UNE brand by presenting the UNE logo as an overarching umbrella of identification while creating the framework for each college, 学校, 和部门有自己的身份代表. Please note that the UNE logo remains our primary identity and the preferred graphic for external communications. 所有的信笺, 名片, 文具将保持不变,不会使用这种品牌架构. 除了, 中心, 研究院, and research grants with existing graphics will continue to use their approved graphics, 与UNE徽标一起显示.

的 brand architecture graphics are created exclusively by the 通讯办公室 and Marketing. If you would like to request a graphic for your department or unit, fill out our online request form.


No. 的 purpose of the UNE brand architecture is to enhance the UNE brand by having a consistent visual representation for our colleges, 部门, 行政单位, 中心, 和研究机构. No new graphics or variations are permitted without specific approval from the 通讯办公室 and Marketing and the 教务长办公室. 要制作图形请求,请发送电子邮件至mmiller17@promisesurfing.net.


UNE字体有Lato、ITC Franklin Gothic和Goudy Oldstyle. 的 通讯办公室 and Marketing is not responsible for providing typefaces. 如果上述字体不可用,请使用Arial或Times Roman. Lato是一个可以免费下载的谷歌字体.

UNE的颜色是什么? 我可以用其他颜色吗? 

UNE的原色是蓝色. Using this color is very important in establishing a visual identity and aligning your project with the UNE brand. A secondary palette of accent colors is available with more options to add depth to projects. Accent colors may be used in design layouts, but blue should always be the dominant color.


的 通讯办公室 and Marketing creates and maintains a collection of thousands of photographs related to the University of New England. 这些图像保存在我们的 数字资产管理系统,并用于我们的出版物、小册子、网站和社交媒体平台. UNE faculty and professional staff are permitted to log in, browse, and download these images.

If you would like to request photography services for a project or event fill out our 摄影申请表格 或联系霍莉·海伍德 photography@promisesurfing.net. 请务必提供活动的日期和时间, 时间的长短需要摄影师在场, 的位置, 还有你需要完成照片的日期.

如果你正在为一个项目或活动雇佣一名自由摄影师 全球网络赌博平台摄影及照片发布政策(PDF).

提交图片到UNE的数字资产管理系统的电子邮件 photography@promisesurfing.net


If you are uncertain whether your project properly adheres to UNE’s brand identity guidelines email mmiller17@promisesurfing.net,她会很乐意审阅的.


购买促销产品时, 选择相关的项目,将促进你的部门和有良好的知名度. 商品产品颜色应为蓝色, 灰色的, 或白色, 当可适用, 最好地代表全球网络赌博平台的品牌.

UNE’s logos and associated graphics are controlled under a licensing agreement with CLC, 并且只有在CLC注册的供应商才能使用它们. 以下是UNE认可的供应商名单(PDF). 要搜索特定项目,请转到 http://clc.com/license-search/

大学院系, clubs or organizations may use a non-approved vendor for internal orders if the items are not for fundraising. 如果使用未经批准的供应商,请联系通信和营销办公室, 寻求帮助, 审查, 并在购买前获得批准.


UNE的标志和图形材料仅供UNE使用. UNE不允许在非UNE材料或网站上使用徽标, 除非是赞助活动. (见下文.)


的 UNE logo may be used to visually recognize and promote a sponsorship agreement between an outside entity and a UNE department/unit. UNE标志是UNE品牌的视觉表现. 的 UNE department/unit that has entered into the sponsorship agreement is responsible for ensuring that the UNE logo is used appropriately.


All UNE 部门 and units should request avatar graphics for their social media accounts and follow the guidelines put forth in the 社交媒体政策(PDF). If you wish to set up a new social media account or have any questions email  Louise Coburn at lcoburn@promisesurfing.net.

UNE是否有一个写作风格指南,让我在起草网页文本时应该遵循, 打印, 或媒体出版? 

大学设有 风格指南(PDF) that should be consulted when drafting text that you plan to submit to the 通讯办公室 and Marketing for approval. 这包括, 但不限于, 联合国网站的文本草案, 传单, 宣传册, 海报, 活动项目, 小册子, 杂志文章, 还有新闻稿. While the 通讯办公室 and Marketing must approve text before it is 打印ed or submitted to public audiences, your efforts to adhere to the UNE Style Guide in your drafts will expedite the editing process. 的 UNE Style Guide calls for adherence to Associated Press (AP) style when writing text for news/media purposes and details other stylistic practices adopted by the University for other written materials. 该指南还收录了一些词汇, 条款, 以及写大学时常见的用法. 有关指南的问题,请直接向珍妮·阿拉诺维奇咨询 jaranovitch@promisesurfing.net.


Can a student club or organization use the UNE name and logo as part of its club or organization name and logo? 

UNE clubs and organizations can use the letters “UNE” as part of their club or organization name, but student club and organization logos may not include the UNE logo (in full or altered version).


为你的俱乐部或组织设计时, 请遵照上述及 UNE品牌识别手册(PDF). 除了, the UNE logo or the UNE Nor’easter curve mark needs to be incorporated somewhere on your products.

我在哪里可以买到商品(比如帽子), 杯子, 还有印有我的学生社团或组织标志的t恤?

购买促销产品时, 选择相关的项目,将促进你的部门和有良好的知名度. 商品产品颜色应为蓝色, 灰色的, 或白色, 当可适用, 最好地代表全球网络赌博平台的品牌.

UNE’s logos and associated graphics are controlled under a licensing agreement with CLC, 并且只有在CLC注册的供应商才能使用它们. 以下是UNE认可的供应商名单(PDF). 要搜索特定项目,请转到 http://clc.com/license-search/ 第二步:选择学校,全球网络赌博平台被列为全球网络赌博平台.

University clubs and organizations might use a non-approved vendor for internal orders if the items are not for fundraising. 如果使用未经批准的供应商,请联系通信办公室寻求帮助, 审查, 并在购买前获得批准.


电子邮件 mmiller17@promisesurfing.net 对于问题,提供反馈 品牌识别手册(PDF),或安排会议.